Browse Dictionary
- A Apply A filter
- B Apply B filter
- C Apply C filter
- D Apply D filter
- E Apply E filter
- F Apply F filter
- G Apply G filter
- H Apply H filter
- I Apply I filter
- J Apply J filter
- (-) Remove K filter K
- L Apply L filter
- M Apply M filter
- = Apply = filter
- N Apply N filter
- O Apply O filter
- P Apply P filter
- Q Apply Q filter
- R Apply R filter
- S Apply S filter
- T Apply T filter
- U Apply U filter
- V Apply V filter
- W Apply W filter
- Apply filter
- Y Apply Y filter
- - Apply - filter
- ( Apply ( filter
- X Apply X filter
- Z Apply Z filter
Broil meat on the coals of the fire; wring; squeeze as a sponge; to milk
Women’s nets, used as a bag
A small volcano on the sea coast
Upper arm
Fat, grease, ointment
Honey, white (Threlkeld wrote ‘honey in blossoms of the grass tree’)
Soldier ant
Ditch, canal, creek (water)
Phrase revolve, as a windmill, cause to go around about, to sift grain - as with a sieve