Kuwiyn, tjipakal, purang

Kuwiyn, tjipakal, purang
Ghost names
Ghost names – Threlkeld reports “Names of imaginary male being. Who was always as he is now; in appearance like a Black; he resides in thick brushes or jungles; he appears occasionally by day, but mostly at night. In general he precedes the coming of the natives from distant parts, when they assemble to celebrate certain mysteries, as knocking out the tooth in a mystic ring, or when performing some dance. He appears painted with pipe clay, and carries a fire-stick in his hand; but generally, it is the doctors a kind of magicians, who alone perceive him, and to whom he says “fear not, come and talk”. At other times he comes when the Blacks are asleep, and takes them up, as an eagle his prey, and carries them away. The shout of the surrounding party often occasion him to drop his burden; otherwise he conveys them to his fire place in the bush, where close to the fire he deposits his load. The person carried tries to cry out, but cannot, feeling almost choked: at daylight Kuwiyn disappears, and the Black finds himself conveyed safely to his own fireside!”
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