Browse Dictionary


  • - Apply - filter
  • A Apply A filter
  • B Apply B filter
  • C Apply C filter
  • D Apply D filter
  • E Apply E filter
  • F Apply F filter
  • G Apply G filter
  • H Apply H filter
  • I Apply I filter
  • J Apply J filter
  • K Apply K filter
  • L Apply L filter
  • M Apply M filter
  • N Apply N filter
  • O Apply O filter
  • P Apply P filter
  • Q Apply Q filter
  • R Apply R filter
  • S Apply S filter
  • T Apply T filter
  • U Apply U filter
  • V Apply V filter
  • W Apply W filter
  • X Apply X filter
  • Y Apply Y filter
  • Z Apply Z filter
Nominal suffix: accusative case, occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix: genitive occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix masculine form of the belonging suffix indicating where a person belongs to
Verbal suffix general past tense
Nominal suffix feminine form of the belonging suffix indicating where a person belongs to
Nominal suffix, derives a noun from an adjective
Derivational suffix: derives a ‘tool’ which does the action of the verb
Nominal suffix locative suffix
Nominal suffix. Ablative suffix.
Nominal suffix: comitative, occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix: causal, occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix; characteristic trait which derives an adjective from a nominal to indicate habit or character; also a verbal suffix, characteristic trait which derives an adjective from a verb to indicate habit or character
Verbal suffix. Recent past tense suffix
Verbal suffix: near future tense
Verbal suffix: reciprocal
Nominal suffix: semblative
Nominal suffix: allative, occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix: locative, occurs with nominals to do with people
Nominal suffix: ablative, occurs with nominals to do with people