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Digital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
Learn COUNTRY & CULTURE, STORIES from our mobSummary
Digital and downloadable version of the Wonnarua Creation Story 'Tiddalik: The Little Green Frog That Grew', as told by Uncle James Wilson Miller and illustrated by Charlotte Craven-Miller
Digital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
Celebrate LANGUAGE, Learn COUNTRY & CULTURE, STORIES from our mobSummary
Entire recording of 'Tiddalik: The Little Green Frog That Grew' as told by Uncle James Wilson Miller (2021)Digital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
STORIES from our mobDigital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
STORIES from our mob
Digital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
Celebrate LANGUAGE, TEACH and LEARN language, Learn COUNTRY & CULTURE, STORIES from our mobSummary
A wordlist of Wonnarua words included in the text of 'Tiddalik: The Little Green Frog That Grew' as told by Uncle James Wilson Miller. Digital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
Learn COUNTRY & CULTURE, STORIES from our mobDigital Heritage
Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal CorporationCategory
STORIES from our mob